Tube bundle heat exchanger.

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TubeMaster process

Cleaning exhaust gas heat exchangers and shell-and-tube heat exchangers of all types and sizes

Non-abrasive internal tube cleaning with TubeMaster for tubes from 4 to 150 mm in diameter.
TubeMaster is used with dry ice or special granulate selected for the respective application for effective cleaning of exhaust gas heat exchangers and pipes.

Have your flue gas heat exchanger gently cleaned by experts!

TubeMaster is the first choice for non-abrasive internal pipe cleaning with dry ice and soft granulate. Even when using special hard granulates, experience has shown that abrasive removal is not measurable. However, the inner tube surface can be significantly improved by a polishing effect.

The process can be precisely adjusted to the respective requirements and materials.

TubeMaster works with a blasting pressure of between 4-10 bar, depending on requirements. The cleaning effect is largely limited to the area of the jet nozzle passing through the pipe. The process can be used in a closed circuit with waste filtering. Experience has shown that thorough cleaning with the TubeMaster and, in particular, the additional option of polishing the inner tube surfaces results in a greatly improved temperature exchange and therefore a considerable reduction in energy costs. Experience has shown that a polished surface also extends the operating times until the next cleaning.

TubeMaster cleans dry and can therefore also be used when the use of high-pressure water would cause damage, e.g. when cleaning sulphur condensers. The use of water would result in the formation of sulphuric acid, which would also remain during the subsequent process and lead to the destruction of the pipes. However, dry cleaning with brushes or pigs is not always successful here. TubeMaster also easily removes stubborn incrustations from pipes in this area. The TubeMaster is mainly used in shell and tube heat exchangers. We have experience in cleaning and polishing inner pipe surfaces with the pipe materials:

Aluminum,Bronze,Graphite,Cast iron,Stainless steel,Plastic,Copper,Brass,Steel,Titanium,Special materials

Video of our sister company mycon GmbH.

Video of our sister company mycon GmbH.

Cleaning graphite exchangers

Application examples

Cleaning a tube bundle heat exchanger

Cleaning HCI system

Tube bundle before cleaning

Tube bundle after cleaning

Grinding out 4500 inner tubes of a tube bundle heat exchanger for commissioning after a long period of decommissioning


mycon has so far concentrated on mechanical cleaning systems for cleaning heat exchangers using the JetMaster, SpeedMaster and TubeMaster processes. After a year of development, the FluidMaster system closes a gap here. The development was carried out entirely in-house, with practical support for the test series provided by our sister company Kipp Umwelttechnik. This means that mycon can now offer devices and systems for cleaning all heat transfer systems. Wherever possible and economical, mycon relies on automation or partial automation. FluidMaster is also equipped with a PLC. The appropriate cleaning program can be easily selected and started. The system has several sensors that display the development of pressure and volume flow as well as the temperature and pH value of the cleaning medium. FluidMaster is constantly monitored for leaks in all connections within the system and switches off automatically in the event of a leak.

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