Finned heat exchanger

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On behalf of an environmentally friendly future - We increase energy efficiency, thereby reducing energy costs for our customers and protecting the environment

Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH successfully uses the JetMaster process for the gentle intensive cleaning of finned heat exchangers, offering considerable advantages in terms of cleaning success and environmental friendliness. Kipp Umwelttechnik cleans heating coils, drycoolers, condensers, industrial coolers and much more.



Gentle intensive cleaning with compressed air and small amounts of water → using the cavitation effect

  • Deep cleaning extends cleaning intervals
  • No damage/bending and calcification of the slats
  • Even sensitive surfaces such as soft coatings, graphite, glass, foils etc. can be cleaned intensively without damage
  • without the use of chemicals
  • Cleaning enables considerable energy savings
  • Maintaining the service life of the systems – cleaning process is used in preventive maintenance, corrosion and other possible damage is prevented

The new JetMaster process was developed in collaboration with a university. JetMaster works exclusively with compressed air and small quantities of normal water.

The water is mechanically pre-treated in the device and then fed into the compressed air flow in a special design. The high cleaning power is primarily due to the cavitation effect when the jet hits the surface to be cleaned. This cleaning power can even remove oil and grease without any additives.

JetMaster can also be used in combination with the JetPower system for cleaning solar elements of wind turbine rotor blades or for cleaning glass and other facades. As JetMaster works exclusively with compressed air – oil-free compressors or standard compressors with ultra-fine filter attachments are used here – and small quantities of water, the process can also be used in sensitive locations without any environmental impact. JetMaster usually operates in the low pressure range of 2-6 bar.

We clean finned heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers and shell and tube heat exchangers of all types and sizes. Have your heat exchanger cleaned by experts!

Video of our sister company mycon GmbH.

The JetMaster combination system

Large surface cleaning with JetMaster & JetPower combination

The sister company of Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH, mycon GmbH, has developed the JetPower for cleaning large areas. In combination with JetMaster, JetPower enables large and heavily soiled finned heat exchangers, condensers, drycoolers, table coolers and glass and façade surfaces of all kinds to be cleaned quickly. Thanks to the new JetPower & JetMaster system combination, whose jet imprint can be up to 500 mm in size, even large surfaces can be cleaned cost-effectively. This system also generally works exclusively with compressed air and water without the use of chemicals.

Cleaning finned heat exchangers, condensers, drycoolers, air conditioning systems, evaporators

Finned heat exchangers can be found in many areas, e.g. for industrial plant cooling, engine cooling, cold stores and air conditioning systems. They are the most commonly used energy transmission systems.

The global share of total global energy consumption is considerable and amounts to approx. 25%. In developing countries, energy requirements for air conditioning are also increasing by 7% per year. According to forecasts, this growth is set to continue until at least 2050. An increase in system efficiency of just 5% would therefore have a significant impact worldwide.

Finned heat exchangers quickly become contaminated by sand, dust, pollen and other suspended particles in the environment. The dirt forms an insulating layer that significantly reduces energy efficiency. This quickly increases energy costs by 10-30% or more.

In addition, the corrosion caused by the soiling leads to a reduction in the operating time of the appliances.

Up to now, finned heat exchangers have often been cleaned using chemicals (spraying process). Compressed air is usually used in addition or afterwards. The process is often unsatisfactory in terms of cleaning success and is also harmful to the environment and employees.

Another way is to use high-pressure cleaning equipment, which in this case is often operated at relatively low pressure and with the addition of chemical cleaning agents. However, the dense water jet can bend the sensitive slats very quickly, especially if the jet hits them at an angle. The dense water jet cannot completely penetrate the finned heat exchanger due to the high friction losses, at least with greater installation depths. The front section will then be clean, but not the entire interior surfaces. The residues are often pressed into the interior of the lamella structure and remain there. In addition, many times the amount of water is required compared to our JetMaster process, which can also be contaminated with environmentally hazardous cleaning agents.

Application examples

Deep cleaning of the slats with a special nozzle

Finned heat exchanger Before / After

Cleaning a bus radiator


Cleaning with JetBoy: environmentally friendly, generally chemical-free cleaning, with up to 95% water/wastewater savings compared to high-pressure cleaning, easy handling

The JetBoy combines the proven principle of the JetMaster with very compact dimensions and significantly lower compressed air supply requirements. The required 420 liters per minute can be supplied by a small compressor.
Water consumption is extremely low, starting at 0.10 l per minute.
The JetBoy is robust and absolutely mobile due to its small size, making it an ideal device for cleaning small heat exchangers and other surfaces, even in confined spaces and inside buildings.

Indispensable for many trades

If required, the JetBoy can also process cleaning agents or disinfectants. mycon also supplies the appropriate cleaning agents/disinfectants. This makes the JetBoy a universal talent that can be used to clean and disinfect a wide variety of surfaces.
JetBoy can also be used for cleaning/disinfecting joints/surfaces in buildings and also in the machine sector.
JetBoy is also available as a mobile unit for the hotel/hospital sector.

JetBoy can be used in almost all commercial and industrial areas.

JetBoy from mycon GmbH cleaning a finned heat exchanger:

Due to its small size, the JetBoy can clean smaller heat exchangers in hard-to-reach places. The low water and compressed air supply requirements make the JetBoy the ideal cleaning machine for industrial and trade businesses.

In combination with cleaning agents, JetBoy can also clean calcification and oil contamination on heat exchangers and other surfaces.

JetBoy can also be used as a mobile cleaning unit including compressor, for example in the hotel or hospital sector for removing soiling.

JetBoy – Cleaning a bus oil cooler

The JetBoy can also be used to clean water-sensitive areas in the engine compartment.

Special JetBoy application: Exposure of stucco work

The main task of the JetBoy is the cleaning/disinfection of lamella heat exchangers. However, Jetboy also makes forays into other areas of application, here into the field of uncovering stucco work.

JetBoy gently removes the paint from the stucco relief without damaging it. The small amount of aerosolized water is negligible. A simple design with foil is completely sufficient.

Mr. Wockenfuß, Head of Datacenter Services // Architecture & Platform Infrastructure at q.beyond AG in Hamburg, confirmed this:
For us, the JetBoy is the ideal device for cleaning our V-coolers. Handling is simple and problem-free. As the surfaces of our finned heat exchangers do not get dirty in the same way everywhere, we can now take action in addition to the normal cleaning interval as required. This allows us to keep our heat exchangers at an optimum performance level at all times without any great effort.

JetBoy also cleans large-area finned heat exchangers

JetBoy SP

The JetBoy SP cleans air conditioning systems/radiators quickly and gently. The process technology corresponds to the JetMaster system for cleaning large exchanger surfaces with significantly lower compressed air consumption.

JetBoy SP offers new possibilities for cleaning the heat transfer units of air conditioning systems and radiators with a compressed air input of 1.50-2.25 cbm/min from 5 bar pressure. The JetBoy SP works without electricity with from 0.20 liters of water per minute. Due to the cavitation effect of the nozzle jet, cleaning heat exchangers without the use of chemicals is usually completely sufficient.

For special problems and the cleaning of other surfaces, the JetBoy SP can also be used with a cleaning agent or disinfectant using an additional function. Cleaning agents approved for the JetBoy are supplied. The sensitive fins of the heat exchangers are not damaged by the gentle jet cleaning with JetBoy SP.

Cleaning truck radiators with JetBoy SP

Truck radiators are robust and can often be cleaned using a high-pressure water process without causing damage. However, tests have shown that JetBoy SP achieves significantly greater penetration depths and can also easily penetrate several radiator surfaces arranged in a row. In addition, chemical-free cleaning with JetBoy SP is extremely environmentally friendly with a water consumption and corresponding waste water discharge of approx. 0.20 l per minute. It protects the radiator and contributes to a longer service life.

JetBoy SP blasts through the entire radiator package of a truck during cleaning in the installed state

JetBoy SP also reaches hard-to-reach areas of truck radiators when installed

Cleaning bus cooler with JetBoy SP

Bus coolers usually have somewhat more sensitive structures. This is where the JetBoy SP really comes into its own.

JetBoy SP also removes heavy oil contamination from a bus intercooler

JetBoy SP effortlessly jets through the oil and water cooler package

JetBoy SP - generally chemical-free, environmentally friendly, safe for operating personnel

The JetBoy SP’s jet stream thoroughly removes even solid or highly viscous residues from heat exchangers, but feels pleasant even on delicate hands.

All cleaning equipment used by Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH is produced by our sister company mycon GmbH and is also available for hire or purchase!

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